Accounts receivable financial services
1 (800) 928-7004
Need More Cash Flow?
Commerce Commercial Credit
Over $1 Billion Funded
No up Front Fees to Set Up
Lowest Rates Available
Funding in 5 Days
Does your business need working capital to pay bills, fund growth, or negotiate discounts?
Rates at
0.69% to 1.59%
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Accounts Receivable Based Financial Services

We Fund More Than the Bank!

Invoice Factoring
Invoice Factoring

Factoring and invoice financing is a method businesses use to convert sales on credit terms for immediate cash flow. Commerce Commercial Credit adopts a quick and easy approval process and expedites initial funding in 3-5 working days.

Asset Based Finance
Asset Based Financing

Asset based lending helps you borrow money based on the value of your assets such as raw materials, inventory, accounts receivable, plant and machinery. Commerce Commercial Credit offers higher leverage borrowing ratios than traditional banks.

Purchase Order Funding
Purchase Order Funding

Purchase order financing is suitable for any wholesaler, reseller, importer or any company that buys and resells goods. Commerce Commercial Credit offers a variety of purchase order financing solutions to meet your trade financing needs.

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Benefits of factoring
Free From Cash Flow Stress

Nothing is worse than having to wait for customers to make payments on their bills so that you can pay yours. The wait is over when you choose Commerce Commercial Credit’s receivable financing services. You can make timely payroll payments and pay expenses without damaging your business credit, incurring late fees or worrying that your employees will quit...

Who Are We?

Commerce Commercial Credit, Inc. is one of the best factoring companies in the United States specializing in funding services that provide working capital and cash flow to businesses in a variety of industries. We offer small and midsized businesses money that they can use – now!

Achieving and maintaining an effective and flexible cash flow is essential to the success of any business, particularly if you sell on trade credit terms. Often you might face an unwelcome pressure on your cash flow through delayed payment by your customers. An Invoice factoring solution can help you fund your business by unlocking the power of your accounts receivable.

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Fast Access To Your Cash

  • Factoring is an easy process that can put cash in your hand within 24-48 hours.
  • Banks can take weeks or months to make business loan decisions.
  • Improve cash flow without incurring debt.
  • You never worry about adding liabilities to your balance sheet.
  • Invoice factoring is not a loan and you never have to make monthly loan payments along with payroll and other operational expenses.
fast access to your cash
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Advantages Of Invoice Factoring

Cash Flow

It provides the cash flow finance and debt management solution that your business needs to succeed.


It offers a flexible source of working capital driven directly by your trade credit invoices.


It helps you turn today’s sales invoices into tomorrow’s cash flow by tapping into your accounts receivable asset.


It’s responsive, cost-effective and alternative to a bank overdraft or loan.


It extends favorable terms to customers with confidence.

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How It Works

1. Factoring Agreement

The first step is to determine if your business meets preliminary qualifications to receive invoice financing/factoring. CCC will conduct credit analysis using its database on the on the clients (account debtors) who owe you money. The Factoring Agreement will set an initial credit line for your business with all the clients you plan to finance.

2. Submit Invoices for your Initial Advance

CCC will fund your initial advance based on the invoices you submit, the advance funding will vary anywhere from 80-95% of the value of the factored invoice. The amount of your advance is initially established and depends on the size of your client list, transactions, industry, dilution and recurring funding intervals.

3. The Remaining Balance of the Invoices and Fee Deductions

The clients will be notified to pay CCC on the financed invoices. Once your customer pays the invoices based on the terms, the remaining balance will be wired to you, minus the factoring fee. The fee will vary depending on the number of days the invoice remains outstanding. Factoring fees calculated on the invoice amount and can range between 0.69% – 4.9%.

Factoring invoices for businesses
What Customers Say:

My Furniture Business Grew...

Thanks to Commerce Commercial Credit, Inc my furniture business has been able to grow with the extended cash flow they have provided. I would have never been able to buy raw materials at better rates without the help of their financial services or extended longer credit terms that my customers demand.

Ganesa Wong
Frequently Asked Questions
How is your invoice factoring different than a loan from a bank?

When making a receivable based factoring decision, we will focus on the creditworthiness of your customers while banks will focus on your company’s financial history and cash flow. Accounts Receivable Factoring or invoice factoring is not a loan, therefore provides you with less debt on your company’s balance sheet. we can make a quick funding decision, while banks may take weeks—even months—to approve a loan.

Will my company be eligible for Accounts Receivable Financing or invoice factoring if it has a bank loan or line of credit?

If a bank has a lien on your company’s assets, you should let us know right away. We will ask the bank to subordinate that lien. Some banks will accommodate the request and others may decline depending on your circumstances. Our number one referrals come from loan officers willing to help out the client in cash flow needs. They are very familiar with this kind of interim financing. The other alternative is to pay off the loan if there is plenty of receivables to leverage the buy out.

My company owes back taxes. Can I still apply for invoice factoring or Accounts Receivable Financing?

Tax problems are handled on a case-by-case basis. Please let us know immediately so that we can discuss a lien subordination with the tax entity or request a payoff amount. We can use the initial funding to payoff the tax entity if there is enough leverage.

What information will you need from my company to begin the Accounts Receivable Financing or invoice factoring?

A short application, your company’s most recent sales ledger, your company documents, a master customer list and a sample invoice.

Which customers would be good candidates for accounts receivable factoring?

Usually 80% of your business comes from 20% of your customers and these would be the most likely to factor, however, we will factor 100% of your customer base so long as they are credit worthy. In order to approve your customer base, we will need their names, addresses, phone numbers and the amounts of credit desired for each client. This will save you time when submitting invoices to us.

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